Emei Qigong for wisdom
You don’t have to be interested in spiritual development to practice Emei Qigong -- you can approach it simply for the physical or emotional benefits.
For those who are interested in deepening their spiritual understanding, however, Emei Qigong provides an extraordinary opportunity. Until recently, the theories and techniques of the 800-year-old Emei Linji Qigong School of Sudden Enlightenment weren’t shared outside the Chinese monastery where the practice had been handed down through the centuries.
Grandmaster Fu Wei Zhong, the school’s 13th lineage holder, was instructed not only to make the practice available to the public but also to come teach in the West. He spent three years in seclusion to distill the generations of information into a practical, systematic approach to enlightenment that could be incorporated into the hectic schedules that are part of modern living.
Emei Qigong combines simple movement practices with self-reflection to enhance the flow of Qi in the body and alleviate or eliminate problem conditions. As the negative Qi underlying the problem -- be it a physical condition such as back pain or asthma, or an emotional upset -- is freed, healing takes place. At the same time, a corresponding increase in positive Qi makes it easier to discard old, bad habits, liberating your natural inclination to be happy and kind.
Restoring balance at the cellular level, as Emei Qigong does, leads to profound shifts in perception. Intuitive and psychic abilities, which we all possess, become evident. New avenues for understanding human nature and the nature of the universe, and the parallels between them, emerge. The barriers between “self” and “other” dissolve, leaving the practitioner with an extraordinary sense of well-being and immense gratitude.